Remembering guys
Remembering guys is a phrase taken from David Roth's Deadspin series "Let's Remember Some Guys". It is a group activity in which participants repeatedly list "guys" for other members of the group to remember and comment on. Originally used to refer to athletes of middling importance, the term "guy" is gender-neutral and is occasionally used to refer to other things worthy of remembering, such as proteins or named reactions. It is frequently performed in sports-oriented circles of the quiz bowl community, as in the #qbbasketsball channel of the IRC or the #sports channel of the Discord.
To some extent all of quiz bowl is remembering guys in one form or another.
The tournaments
Let's Remember Some Guys, Let's Remember Some Guys II: Let's Remember More Guys, and Let's Remember Some Guys III: Let's Remember Yet More Guys were packet-submission tournaments run by Andrew Hart that served as literal instances of remembering guys. Notable anecdotes include Jaskaran Singh powering the single tossup he played while walking through the Hyatt Regency Reston lobby during the first iteration of the event, giving them the highest PP20TUH of any individual guy-rememberer.
In December 2020, NAQT partnered with Defector Media to release an official "Let's Remember Some Guys" Buzzword event.