Ike Jose played for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he led the team in scoring after the retirement of Mike Sorice. In 2013, he led a team of him, Billy Busse, Aaron Rosenberg, and Austin Listerud, to victory at the 2013 ACF Nationals
In high school, Ike attended Stow Munroe Falls, but is more notable for driving to high school and collegiate tournaments, playing solo and placing very highly while doing so. With Stow, he was the 1st place All-Star at the 2009 HSNCT and an All-Star at the 2009 NSC. In April 2009, Ike was the ACF Nationals Division II champion despite not having entered college yet.
Ike has become one of the most respected and prolific writers and editors in the game. After a rocky start, including tournaments like the 2010 Chicago Open Lit, EFT V, THUNDER II, and 2011 Illinois Open ([1]), he began to gain acclaim with sets such as the myth subject tournament ANFORTAS and the 2012 Illinois Fall Tournament. Ike's recent editing history includes being brought on to help with editing the 2013 Terrapin set; editing for the 2014 Chicago Open set (all literature, other science, mythology); subject editing for the 2015 and 2016 ACF Nationals (Other Science, Painting, Other Arts, Philosophy and Social Science); writing and editing for 2017's (This Tournament is a) Crime; and writing and editing for numerous PACE NSCs. Ike also spearheaded the notoriously difficult 2017 Chicago Open
Ike was also the scumbag behind the critically acclaimed/universally well received ACFNATIONALS set despite his lack of video game knowledge.