Cardinal Classic X

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Cardinal Classic X was a tournament held at Stanford on February 4-5, 2000. It was a packet submission, timed tournament with power tossups. 11 teams attended, and they played in a full round robin, after which they split into brackets of 6 and 5 and played a mini round robin.


Chicago (Andrew Yaphe, John Sheahan, Alice Chou, Ryan) won the tournament with a 14-1 record. Berkeley A and Team X tied for second at 11-3, having split their two games with each other. The leading individual scorers were Andrew Yaphe from Chicago (99 P/20TU), Richard Mason from Caltech (50 P/20TU), Nick Meyer from Berkeley A (40 P/20TU), and Phil Huang from X (39 P/20TU). Full stats can be found here.

Chip Beall

In this post, Matt Weiner claimed that Chip Beall had copied virtually word for word the following question on Babe Ruth from a Cardinal Classic X packet: "Most RBI titles, with 8; most extra-base hits in a season, with 119; most walks (*) in a season, with 170 and in a career, with 2,056. Highest slugging average for a season, with .847 in 1920, and in a career with .690. All of these records are still held by, FTP, what New York Yankee, whose 61 homers in 1927 was also a record until Roger Maris broke it?"

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