List of threads named for things
Revision as of 15:17, 29 April 2022 by Reilly Melville (talk | contribs)
Because quizbowl is a game designed around the accumulation and recall of knowledge and because many of those pieces of information have distinctive and memorable names, it is very common for discussion threads on the forums to be named in reference to a title or work.
The other major avenue where references of this kind appear are in team names at open tournaments.
"On Exactitude in Science" is a short story by Jorge Luis Borges. The majority of posts with the format "On Exactitude in X" are (unsurprisingly) about factual inaccuracies and how to avoid them.
- On Exactitude in Science Writing was a thread by Joelle Smart from November 25, 2016. This thread is best remembered today for its rapid decline into a heated argument largely unrelated to its original post regarding inaccuracies in science clues, which culminated it in being locked.
- On Exactitude in Writing was a thread by Will Alston from January 30, 2018
- On Exactitude in Score Clues was a thread by Dan Ni from April 12, 2022 that gave a short list of errors that appeared in recent music tossups.
The Public and its Problems is a book by John Dewey.
- College Nationals and Its Problems was a thread by Dylan Bowman from March 13, 2020 meant to draw attention to how the high difficulty of collegiate national tournaments (ICT and ACF Nationals) is a contributing factor to low retention among undergraduates and especially underclassmen. This post drew a lot of criticism, some of which came in the form of parody threads when AHAN opened for the pandemic:
- College Physics and Its Problems was an AHAN thread by Adam Fine from March 20, 2020 which replaces all mentions of "quizbowl" with "physics classes" and "tournaments" with "exams".
- High School Nationals and Its Problems was an AHAN thread by Andrew Wang from March 22, 2020 which replaced all instances of "college" with "high school" and "high school" with "middle school".
- Problemsposting and Its Problems was an AHAN thread by Sarah Benner from March 22, 2020 which critiques the bandwagoning, ending "TL;DR: Copypastas aren't good posting".
- On the Abundance of High School Sets During the Pandemic [And its Problems] was a thread by Arthur Delot-Vilain from June 28, 2020 that discussed the large number of high school tournaments for the year of the pandemic.
- HSNCT and its Problems was a thread by Aadi Karthik from March 4, 2021 conveying grievances about the quality, pricing, and logistics of HSNCT and other products of NAQT.
- Quizbowl Monopolization and its Problems was a thread by Arjun Nageswaran from June 7, 2020 regarding the Long Island Quiz Bowl Association extending an offer for exclusive rights to online mirrors for a number of sets.