Talk:HSNCT Record Book

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This is going to be a work in progress for some time. Hopefully, it will take on a more final form prior to HSNCT 2017. Tom Egan (talk) 08:23, 22 December 2016 (CST)

Certainly if you catch an error, please correct it, but if you suspect an error, but don't want ot look up the data on your own, drop a note here, and I'll see what can be done. Tom Egan (talk) 09:53, 24 December 2016 (CST)


Just out of curiosity, why did you change from PPnTUH to PPnTH, etc.? For what it's worth, NAQT's official style is to use "TUH"; the QBWiki certainly does not have to follow suit, but it doesn't have its own style guide and this is a page about NAQT stuff, so to me it makes sense to match NAQT's site. Jonah (talk) 14:40, 29 December 2016 (CST)

I think doing this at odd hours hurt my brain. I think I must have thought I saw "TH" somewhere and thought that I was making a mistake. This should now be changed. Tom Egan (talk) 01:20, 30 December 2016 (CST)

"Ranks for individuals are their rank on the overall individual scoring table for the entire tournament, based on PP20TUH"

Are you actually using the "Individuals (Overall)" link, or are you using the "Individuals (Preliminary)" link? The latter is the sole determinant of all individual scoring awards, and in NAQT's view, the (far) more meaningful ranking of players. Jonah (talk) 23:48, 4 January 2017 (CST)

I have been using overall rankings. I understand that the first ten rounds are used for determining All-Star status, but I don't see a need to ignore what happens in playoff rounds. Tom Egan (talk) 10:02, 5 January 2017 (CST)
For awards that are based on total numbers, I agree. But for awards based on averages (e.g. PP20TUH and power percentage), including the playoffs essentially gives a disadvantage to players and teams who made the playoffs and thus faced tougher competition. (I'm not saying that prelim strengths of schedule are balanced; they're not. But incorporating the playoffs makes things worse.) Jonah (talk) 10:43, 5 January 2017 (CST)

"4 Top 10 finishes is a category despite the fact that HSNCT does not differentiate from teams placing 8-11"

Should this category be 1. eliminated, 2. expanded to encompass all T-8 or maybe T-12 teams, 3. use some sort of tiebreaker method to split the T-8s and pick a defined top 10, 4. something else? Jacob Hardin-Bernhardt (talk) 10:08, 27 September 2020 (CST)

I don't feel strongly about this, but I would count any rank 10 or higher as "top 10", even if it's a tie. Jonah (talk) 22:29, 27 September 2020 (CDT)

"up to date through the end of the 2017 HSNCT"

This page has a warning "Tournament and Career records are up to date through the end of the 2017 HSNCT. Team and Individual Game records will be updated when that data becomes available, likely in early autumn, 2017." Is the first sentence still accurate? If not, can it be removed or updated? Presumably the second sentence is wrong. —Jonah (talk) 19:01, 30 May 2024 (CDT)