Kurtis Droge

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Kurtis Droge
Past colleges Michigan (2008-2013), Louisville (2015-2017)
High school East Lansing (2004-2008)
HSQB profile kdroge
Stats HDWhite • NAQT

Kurtis Droge was a member of the Quiz Bowl team at Louisville. He previously played for the team at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, where he studied business and math. He was previously the captain of East Lansing High School's quiz bowl team. During his high school tenure, he placed in the top five (through prelim rounds) individually at both the 2006 HSNCT and 2007 HSNCT, was the top scorer at the 2008 HSNCT, and was the top individual scorer (through prelim rounds) at the 2007 NSC. He was the leading scorer in Division I at the 2016 ICT.

Kurtis has written and edited for NAQT. He took over editing of 2010 ANGST after Andy Saunders went AWOL, co-head-edited 2022 Chicago Open, and head-edited the 2024 IQBT Undergraduate Championship Tournament.

Kurtis is an avid player of Magic: The Gathering.

HSNCT Leading Scorer
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Dallas Simons
Ike Jose
NSC Leading Scorer
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Chris Ray
Charlie Dees