Brain Busters
Brain Busters is a high school quiz bowl tournament sponsored by Capital Blue Cross and televised by WGAL of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It's hosted by Rich Rosen, who likes to chat up the players about their obscure interests. From 1998 to 2001 it was preceded by a similar program known as High Q, televised by WHTM of Harrisburg and also hosted by Rosen. The tournament is structured as a single-elimination bracket; recent fields have been capped at 38 teams. The format is an idiosyncratic variation of four-quarter format involving five rounds as follows: first round: 10-point tossups; second round: one-on-one faceoff between individual players on 10-point tossups; third round: wager round; fourth round: lightning round with three choices (rather than the four given at the NAC); fifth round: 20-point tossups. Prizes have included various values of college scholarships and free entry to a local amusement park for the student body of the winning high school.
Capital Blue Cross press release for the 2002 Brain Busters season