Minnesota Open

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Minnesota Open (or MO) was an mACF, open, hard collegiate tournament held every fall from 2008 to 2012. In the years that it existed, it served as the premier hard tournament before nationals season every year.


The first MO was held on October 18, 2008 at the University of Minnesota. It was a Regionals+ difficulty packet submission event edited by Rob Carson, Andrew Hart, Gautam Kandlikar, and Bernadette Spencer with several contributions by Charles Meigs and other gracious members of the community. Mirrors of the 2008 MO were held at UTC, Stanford and MIT.

In addition to the main tournament, MO started a tradition of hosting a broader slate of events across the weekend with three side events:

The first annual Giacomo Balla basketball tournament was played the Friday night before the tournament, resulting in the delightful spectacle of a sore Rob Carson limping around for the entire ensuing weekend. The always ill-conceived, rarely-executed idea of "Quizbowl Basketball" has haunted the world ever since.


The second MO was held on October 17, 2009 at the University of Minnesota. It was a difficult packet submission event edited by Rob Carson, Andrew Hart, Gautam Kandlikar, Bernadette Spencer, and Brian Lindquist.

Once again, there were some exciting side events:


The third MO was held on November 17, 2010. It was edited by Rob Carson, Mike Cheyne, Gautam Kandlikar, and Bernadette Spencer (Andrew was starting law school at the time).

Side events included a guerrilla tournament on RPG video games, a set of Before-and-After questions by Mike Cheyne, a music listening tournament by Andrew Hart, and Bruce Arthur's Wild Kingdom, a set of tossups about animals.

2011 (Minnesota Open/Penn Intergalactic)

The 2011 incarnation of Minnesota Open got its second name when Rob Carson, Mike Cheyne, and Bernadette Spencer added Eric Mukherjee of Penn for their science editing. Some editors' packets featured questions from Saajid Moyen and Patrick Liao. It was held at two sites on November 19, 2011: a Minnesota site and a Penn site.

The side event was Eyes That Do Not See III.


The 2012 incarnation of Minnesota Open, held on November 17, 2012, was edited by Andrew Hart, Auroni Gupta, Cody Voight, and Gaurav Kandlikar.

The major side events were Eyes That Do Not See IV, and a vanity trash event written by Mike Cheyne.

2019 (PIANO)


The Minnesota Open brand was partially revived by Sam Bailey and Shan Kothari in their collaboration with Jacob Reed on 2019's spring open, PIANO. The tournament was occasionally rendered as PIANO/MO.


Main site results

Year Winners Number of Teams High Scorer Stats
2008 Alex Boone, Charlie Dees, Matt Weiner, and Christian Carter 17 probably Jonathan Magin or Matt Weiner not yet recovered
2009 Jerry Vinokurov, Eric Mukherjee, and Guy Tabachnick 13 probably Jonathan Magin not yet recovered
2010 Matt Lafer, Ryan Westbrook, Seth Teitler, Jerry Vinokurov 8 Jonathan Magin Yes
2011 Seth Teitler, Selene Koo, Matt Lafer, Ryan Westbrook 9 Ike Jose Yes
2012 Seth Teitler, Selene Koo, Jeff Hoppes, Jon Pennington 11 Seth Teitler Yes

Mirror site results