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  • ...the (now-defunct) [[Bay Area Academic League]] (BAAL), which ran academic competitions for teams in the San Francisco Bay Area. [] [http://sfbaa ...ife, as related in an infamous anecdote in Andrew Hart's Medium article on quiz bowl.
    2 KB (217 words) - 22:43, 29 March 2020
  • As a student, he was known for hard work and accomplishment. In addition to several com ...ed in quiz bowl honor the competitive spirit and comraderie that quiz bowl competitions provide.''
    5 KB (817 words) - 13:03, 12 March 2024
  • ...competition. The award is formally called the ''Benjamin Cooper Memorial Quiz Bowl Ambassador Award'', but typically goes by the shorter name to contrast The award is named in honor of [[Benjamin Cooper]], a student at [[Georgetown Day School]] who had been named captain of his team prior t
    11 KB (1,660 words) - 09:32, 25 September 2023
  • ...f colleges, high schools, and middle schools across the United States, but competitions exist throughout the world with different names and different formats. In t Quizbowl tournaments are buzzer competitions that cover a variety of academic categories
    8 KB (1,157 words) - 20:35, 12 September 2022
  • Case Western Reserve University. They host an annual high school trash quiz bowl tournament and compete in several collegiate tournaments each semester ...Tournament Organizer and Host. Dr. Chuck also helped host many collegiate competitions, including [[College Bowl]] Intramurals through 1998 and [[TRASH Regionals]
    9 KB (1,298 words) - 20:30, 1 August 2024
  • In other states like [[Arkansas Governor's Quiz Bowl Association|Arkansas]] and [[KSHSAA Scholars Bowl|Kansas]], a large pr ...lude the principal, vice or assistant principal (ideally one that oversees student activities, if available), activities (sometimes also athletic) director, g
    17 KB (2,796 words) - 13:16, 6 January 2022
  • ...Prince loves to mention that he played in the IHSA series as a high school student, though he'd never have imagined he would be leading the winning [[team]]. ...nce detailed his bad experiences applying to write for [[National Academic Quiz Tournaments|NAQT]].
    5 KB (787 words) - 00:57, 21 May 2023
  • ...pite its obvious similarities, the NAL interestingly does not claim to be "quiz bowl" or any equivalent phrase. ...emulate basketball, such as "tip offs", "shot clocks", and "possessions". Competitions also include some non-quizbowl activities.
    5 KB (815 words) - 22:22, 31 July 2017
  • ...are often a bargain, especially at the high school level. This is because quiz bowl is rarely focused on profit and does not always index to inflation - i ...cake and eating it too. However, gas costs money! If you are a high school student being driven by a teammate's parent (or by your own) it is not necessarily
    11 KB (1,889 words) - 14:37, 20 January 2025
  • intercollegiate participation. Teams may have a maximum of one graduate student (through 1992, two grad students). Teams with fewer than three players may point, and College Bowl is simply an on-campus activity provided by the student union or activities office with no orientation towards intercollegiate comp
    41 KB (6,409 words) - 15:52, 5 January 2024
  • '''Reach for the Top''' is the dominant high school quiz competition in Canada. It is composed largely of speed-check questions, has More so than many similar competitions, Reach for the Top is a fairly famous cultural institution in Canada due to
    19 KB (2,780 words) - 15:40, 17 June 2024
  • ACF Academic Competition Foundation--alternate quiz bowl format<br> J! [[Jeopardy!]], the TV quiz show<br>
    80 KB (13,022 words) - 23:07, 4 July 2010
  • |[ December 2000 "Twenty Questions" #15] .../plagiarism.html here]. The last case was reported by Gonzaga High School student [[Dan Puma]] in an hsquizbowl [
    35 KB (5,884 words) - 21:59, 12 May 2017