Cody Voight

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Cody Voight
Noted subjects Science
Past colleges Virginia Commonwealth University
High school King & Queen Central High School
HSQB profile Cody
Stats HDWhite • NAQT

Cody Voight played for Virginia Commonwealth University.

Writing and editing

Cody was a science editor for HSAPQ from 2011–2016 and edited all the science for 2011, 2013, and 2015 VCU Open. He was also a science editor for 2013 and 2017 ACF Regionals, 2014 and 2015 PACE NSC, 2015 and 2016 Minnesota Undergraduate Tournament, and 2013 Michigan Fall Tournament.

Cody's other writing efforts include biology and chemistry for Fernando Arrabal, physics & other science for PADAWAN, and electrical engineering questions for his Claude Shannon Memorial Tournament.

Tournament directing and logistics

Cody was the primary tournament director for VCU from 2013–2017, over which span he directed sixteen high school tournaments and ten college tournaments. He was the Assistant Tournament Director for 2015 PACE NSC, 2016 NASAT, and the ACF Nationals Tournament Director for 2021 ACF Nationals.

Three-factor theory of quizbowl moderating

Cody has proposed a three-factor theory of quizbowl moderating; the factors being flow, hustle, and grit, which is also the order they should be mastered by new moderators. Flow mostly involves how natural a moderator's reading is, i.e. lacking stiltedness, pauses, and other hallmarks of poor moderators. Hustle is the overall speed of a moderator, including not just reading speed but also the speed of transition within and between tossup-bonus cycles. Grit is the ability to read a supernumerary number of games in a day or weekend while maintaining clarity.

Quizbowl-related software and methods

  • qblint, a Google Docs™ add-on that streamlines quality assurance for quizbowl packets by providing automated consistency checks and automating common tasks.
  • qams, a Google Sheets™ script used to track set production and generate packet templates with a design focus on coloring the answer sheet based on contributor
  • qams², a Google Sheets™ script used to track set production and generate packet templates with a design focus on coloring the answer sheet based on question state
  • qpd, a Google Sheets™ script used to automatically place and style pronunciation guides in Google Docs™ packets based on the Quizbowl Pronouncing Dictionary dataset
  • nice paper scoresheets, the de facto standard for PACE NSC, NASAT, and ACF Nationals since circa 2015 (with subsequent improvements in 2018 by Ophir Lifshitz)
  • tournament formats, including room-balanced round robin schedules (see also [1] [2] [3] [4])
  • spatially locating tournament mirrors