(NOTE: The formatting on this came out goofy -- cut and paste didn't work as well as I hoped. If this is illegible then write to me and I'll send you a clean copy.) Good Afternoon, Eight (8) teams have signed up so far to play in the Boston Summer Open July 24 and/or the Boston Pops July 25. More information about both events is available at <a href=http://people.bu.edu/qbowl/summer.html. target=new>http://people.bu.edu/qbowl/summer.html.</a> From my experience putting tournaments together, my educated guess is that we'll end up with roughly 15 BSO teams and 10-12 Pops (trash) teams. This is the first of what will probably be weekly (give-or-take) updates about the two tournaments at Boston University, July 24-25. I meant to send out something a lot earlier but June snuck up on me! Everybody who's expressed interest in the Boston Summer Open & Boston Pops will get a copy, as will qb_at_... and the Yahoo! Clubs web site. NOTE: Teams CAN mix and match players _between_ events. Since there's a discount for playing in both events (as opposed to a la carte), here's how we'll do the accounting: I'll take payment from each team via its contact person (who's responsible for getting teammates to ante up if applicable), and I'll handle the both-events discount as follows: IF you are the contact person for a BSO team _and_ a Pops team, AND at least half of your BSO team is also doing Pops, AND at least half of your Pops team is also doing BSO, then when I take your money, you'll get the discount. ROSTER SPOTS: I have signups from eight (8) teams, if I read correctly. All seem to have signed up for the BSO and _almost_ all want to play in the Pops also. Contacts, please let me know whether you'll field teams for both events or just one. Four of the eight teams seem to be full while the other four _might_ have roster spots left. In past summers, enterprising individuals have set up "quiz personals" to help single players assemble into summer tournament teams. If there's huge interest in such a service, I could try it, but someone with more time would probably do a better job at it. In any case, the field SO FAR... Contact Person E-mail Need Teammates? 1. Joon Pahk jpahk_at_... ? 2. Dom Ricci domr_at_... No 3. Mark Coen mjcoen_at_... ? 4. Guy Jordan Shabastari_at_... ? 5. Mike Zarren mikez_at_... No 6. Gautam Mukunda* mukunda_at_... ? 7. Eliot Brenner eliot_brenner_at_... No 8. Steve Lawrie cbowl_at_... No *- includes David Farris; unclear which person is primary contact. The first pack deadline is JUNE 25 (three weeks away!) -- check the web page for entry fee details. Anyone who wants to come play, either contact one of the possibly-unfilled teams above, or better yet form your own team! In addition to packs submitted by teams, we will have four in-house packs for the BSO (counting the backup pack) and two or three for Pops. The BSO will be at least a full round-robin (if 17 or fewer teams play) -- if, heaven forbid, we got _NO_ more signups, then the format of choice would be full-round-robin followed by quads. The BSO will feature as many rounds as circumstances permit for a one-day event. The Pops will feature 10-12 rounds, packs permitting, and WILL be done by 4 p.m. for your travel planning convenience. (BU has a stellar history of running its tournaments on-time, or even ahead of time, but common sense suggests that you should build about an hour into your travel plans just in case. Logan Airport is about 20 minutes from BU by cab, 45 by public transport.) Any questions? By all means contact me. Or, if I drop off the face of the earth, Jon Couture (joncooch_at_...) or Sarah Harriman (harriman_at_...) can field your query. Until next time, Matt
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