It was a pleasure running the tournament. I hope
next year to write the entirety of the questions by
myself, as will hopefully be the case with the Patriot
Academic Challenge on 4 February (the first Saturday,
whenever that is).
I figure a few factors played
into the small turnout: namely that I was running the
tournament (and the attendant doubts therein), the fact that
it was a summer tournament (even the trash
tournaments during the year had <10 teams) and the fact
that I didn't get an announcement out until early May,
when it was too late for teams to form and when
schools that might have been counted to send a team
weren't in session (and therefore not together.)
I am hoping for 8-10 teams to attend next year's
Capital Punishment, and for this tournament to grow
eventually into a major summer event a la Yaphe Bowl and
Philly Experiment.
I will see many of you at
Yaphe Bowl II and/or at Philly Experiment (playing the
former, moderating the latter)
Stats have been
e-mailed to the discussion list, so be patient. I will
e-mail them privately to the teams participating and/or
anyone who wants them.
Shawn Pickrell