Kudos to those who posted the list; I would love
to see some of these teams--especially those here in
the northeast--compete at Penn Bowl and other circuit
Now, in all seriousness: how should we go about
recruiting these teams? After all--recruiting these teams
requires that either:
(A) Penn licenses its
tournament with CBI, with all the inherent problems
(B) that we convince the players that would compete
at Penn to willingly give up their right to
participate in the tournament, and all the rewards and
benefits that accompany such participation.
At the
moment, I don't see either of these happening.
I have said before, I'm not sure which is worse:
the Scylla of the CBI licensing agreement, or the
Charybdis of -de facto- segregation.
If someone has
ideas on how to get teams to participate -without-
paying the licensing fees, I'd love to hear them
(whether posted here, or by private e-mail).