I offer my most heartfelt congratulations to Mary
and everyone at CBCI for effecting this policy
decision. It is a demonstration of great flexibility and
integrity. Not only historically/predominantly black
colleges and universities will benifit from it, but also
everyone else in the Quizbowl community.
I have
been outspoken in my criticisms of the old policy. Now
I want to be one of the first to give credit to the
folks at CBCI in recognizing the value in changing that
policy. It was the right thing to do, and I applaud
CBCI's decision.
CBCI's new commitment to
integration is a credit to our whole community. Please join
me in applauding their new policy.
I now call
on all tournament directors to continue in this
spirit of inclusion, to recognize the value of an
integrated Quizbowl community, and to be diligent in your
efforts to contact HBCU's and invite their academic teams
to your tournaments.
Albert Whited