One more thing--if you're wondering why there's
all the "time wasting" about "Is that your final
answer?": (a) that's how it's done in the British version,
and (b) it explicitly states in the rules that you
must state that "X is my final
Also--as a potential encouragement to people to compete
(remember, it's our phone calls that provide the prize
money.... :v), here were yesterday's $32,000
"Unabomber Ted Kaczynski was a mathematics professor at
which of the following universities:
(A) Univ. of
(B) Columbia
(C) Berkeley
"Which of the following is NOT guaranteed in the First
Amendment of the US Constitution?
(A) The right to bear
(B) Freedom of religion
(C) Freedom of the
(D) Freedom of assembly"
Finally, FWIW, the UK
version has aired three times. So far no one has won the
full million--in fact, the closest anyone has gotten
there is L125,000.