Well, it had to happen. Anytime you climb to the top of the heap, people start taking swipes at you. A quick spin around the media. >From Reuters news services: Producer Scott Stone said..."But in reality, not every network is going to jump on the game show bandwagon ... It all has to do with what the show is and who's hosting it -- you can't underestimate the importance of Regis Philbin to 'Millionaire.'" I couldn't even begin to estimate Regis Philbin's importance to anything...But, I suppose this is another example of Late Night Talk Show Sidekick Made Good as Game Show Host (Ed McMahon, Craig Shoemaker, and I assume very shortly, Andy Richter) >From The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, 8/25/99: "According to Michael Davies, the show's executive producer, Millionaire is a success because "...families are watching together and young people are having parties to watch." He then added "Which is a pleasant surprise because who knew that our little show that would mark the end of Western Civilization?" I have many jokes I could make here, but in the interests of not getting my rear shredded on the list, I withhold. I instead use the Letterman "Insert your own ACF joke here."
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