I guess I'm sort of slow, but after calling too
many times to get on, with what I thought were pretty
darn fast times, I realize I have been
90+ percent of the people on the show are from the
states where you can't use the 900 number, and thus can
call for free, and from almost anywhere. The number of
places from which I can call is limited, and the number
of times is limited by my budget. Hence if I were in
Maryland, for instance, I could call from a few different
places each day, hear all the possible answers, then go
home and blisteringly fast enter the answers that I
had already worked out.
The worst part is that
it is the people from the other states who pay for
the show.
Anyhow, there are no more tape dates
for the show, and they say they are going to change
the qualification mechanism for when the show
returns, so it is a moot point.
But Adam: I paid
for your cab ride! :-)
Rob Knobel