Nitanny Lion Invitational Tournament

The Penn State University Quiz Bowl club is
hosting the Nitanny Lion Invitational Tournament (NLIT)
on Saturday, October 23rd in State 
Pennsylvania. The tournament will be question submission,
untimed, using modified NAQT rules. This tournament is
open to all graduate, 
undergraduate or high school
students. Non-students please contact the tournament

No packets are required from teams comprised solely
of first year players, or from a school which has
not attended college-level invitational tournaments
in the past few years. Please notify the tournament
director(s) as soon as possible if you would like to take
advantage of this option.

Fee Structure is as

$100 Base fee
-$10 Working buzzer system (max 2 per
-$20 Competent moderator
-$5 Each additional team
from the same school
 (-5 for 2nd team, - 10 for
3rd team, etc.)
-$30 Packet received before
midnight September 25
-$15 Packet received before
midnight October 1
-$0 Packet received before midnight
October 8
+$15 Packet received October 9th or

Each team (except for the exceptions noted above)
should write a packet of 25 ten-point tossups (with
NAQT-style power points noted) and 25 thirty-point boni.
Other tournament directors please contact us for
possible packet swapping. Freelance packets are welcome,
and their author(s) will receive a complete set of
all packets.

The question distribution is as

Subject Tossups/Boni Comments
Science 4/4
Literature 4/4
Current Events 2/2
Pop Culture & Sports
2/2 Max. 1/1 on sports.
Religion, Myth.,

Philosophy 1/1
Visual Arts 1/1
Music & Opera 1/1 See
note 1 below
Geography 1/1
Social Science
Your Choice 4/4 See note 2 below

Question numbers will be edited down to 20/20 keeping a
tournament- wide question distribution in line with the above

In all categories, please vary the subject
distribution within each heading (ie. Not a majority American
history; not three questions on organic chemistry; etc.).
This tournament is not meant to be a "junior bid",
however it is also not meant to have unanswered tossups
in games between top teams. Aim to have an aggregate
score of 400-500 points between two middle-of-the-road
undergraduate teams.

Note 1: Music questions need not
necessarily be written on classical music. Please do not
write questions on music specifically chosen to be
"trashy" (e.g. given the lyric, name the Spice Girl that
sings it). 
Note 2: No more than two extra questions
per category. We encourage questions that bridge
categories, and which defy categorization.

tournament will be full round-robin if the number of teams
allow, or bracketed round-robin if there are too many
teams. The tournament organizers will endeavor to supply
as many games as possible, with at least 10 games

Please send your packets, as an email attachment in
plain text, to the tournament director(s). Tournament
details will be placed on the PSUQB web site within the
next week <<a href=>. target=new>>.</a>
questions or special circumstances? Give us a

Tournament Directors: 
	Rhiannon Weaver
	Rob Knobel <knobel_at_...> (away for much
of October)

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