Attention: Quiz Bowl Coaches!! The University of Oklahoma Academic Team is proud to announce Boren Cup VIII: Molly Takes Manhattan. The academic quiz tournament open to all high schools will be held on October 30th, 1999. Registration will be from 8:15 AM to 9:00 AM, with a general meeting to discuss rules, etc., at 9:00, and play beginning at 9:30. Competition will be held on campus at the University of Oklahoma. Matches will be played in the NAQT tossup-and-bonus format using NAQT questions. We will not be using timed rounds, but moderators will be reading at a quicker pace than OSSAA (OK Secondary Schools Activities Association) matches in order to simulate timed match conditions. The tournament will be round-robin, with a single-elimination championship tournament to determine the winner. As with Boren Cup VII, the tournament will be broken up into Large School and Small School brackets. Small School bracket will consist of public high school teams whose ADA would place the school in Oklahoma 2A or below. Large School bracket will consist of all other high schools. All teams will play ten games, barring any early departures. The base entry is $60 per team. We will subtract $10 for each adult (over 21) volunteer to work the entire tournament, helping with stats, scorekeeping, etc. (Under 21 volunteers must be approved by us before tournament day.) Cash, checks, or POs (made out to Oklahoma Academic Team) are acceptable as payment. We request that each school bring a fully functional buzzer system, one that will cause as few headaches as possible. If this is a problem, please let us know in advance. The entry deadline is October 20th or 64 teams, whichever comes first. All schools participating are required to register in advance, without exception. Entering schools will receive a packet with full rules information, hotel/restaurant information, and directions to OU. For more information about the Boren Cup competition, please write to: Oklahoma Academic Team, P.O.Box 2182, Norman OK. 73070-2182, call our office at (405) 325-2952, e-mail us at tigerabbit_at_..., call Dan Beshear at home at (405) 321-6107, or visit our web site at <a href= target=new></a> Please do not call David Boren's office, as the information is not available there. Thanks for your consideration, and we hope to see you in October! Sincerely, Stephen Gill President, Oklahoma Academic Team Daniel W Beshear "Webslinger" Required Entry Visa Boren Cup VIII: Molly Takes Manhattan 30 October 1999 School Name: ___________________________________________________________ School Address: _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Coachs Name: _________________________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________ Fax Number: ____________________________________________________________ When is the best time to call you? ___________________________________________ Number of Teams: Large School 1 2 more ________ Small School 1 2 more ________ Do you need Norman hotel/motel information? Yes No # of entries _________ _at_ $60.00 Volunteer? No Yes___________(Subtract $10 from entry fee for each volunteer) Total: _____________ Please send this form with a check or purchase order to: Oklahoma Academic Team P.O. Box 2182 Norman, OK 73070-2182
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