David said:
"Reviving a tradition from
last spring, there will be live qb chats (and
quizzes) on Sundays from 6pm Eastern time, 3 pm Pacific
Just a note, also, that, since this past summer, there
has been an impromptu chat group of about 10-15
people that (cyber)meet nightly at around midnight
eastern (9 PM pacific) for random discussion and
occasional quizzing. We even have been occasionally known to
"invade" internet trivia rooms, such as Yahoo!'s "Trivia
Madness." The Sunday meetings are a great time for more
formal quizbowl chat, but the nightly midnight
escapades, while they have a tendency to get a bit off track
(and even a bit lacivious), are a great way to strike
up some social activity among quizbowlers. So don't
be afraid to poke your head in the Yahoo! quizbowl
club chatroom at 12:00AM Eastern/11:00PM
Central/10:00PM Mountain/9:00PM Pacific...