Get your memorization neurons ready and add
another space at the bottom of your list! The Nobel
prizes in Medicine, Physics and Chemistry have been
Physiology or Medicine: Gnter Blobel for the discovery that
"proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their
transport and localization in the cell"
Gerardus 't Hooft and Martinus J.G.Veltman for elucidating
the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in
Chemistry: Ahmed H. Zewail for his studies of the transition
states of chemical reactions using femtosecond
Once again, I have proven that I'm not psychic. Plus,
since I've never heard of any of these people (though
t' Hooft's name seems familiar) I've proven my own
ignorance by trying to predict the academy... Learn more
about this stuff (including accessible introductions to
the various fields at the Scientific American level)
at <a href= target=new></a>