Re: Poll Questions Answered

> In response to the question in the last
post, I > did not rank Imperial College in my Top 25

> because I did not consider them a circuit team.
> They did not play any other tourneys over here.

There are other teams that make the top 25 despite not
playing very much. (And justifiably so - a shitty team
that attends a lot of tournaments and gets pounded
shouldn't be ranked above a team that plays twice a year
and wins.)

> To me, it would be comparable
to placing Man 
> United in a poll of MLS
teams, or the London 
> Monarchs with NFL teams.

And what about the Rochester Raging Rhinos? They're
just some suckass A league team that beat every single
good MLS team. Should they not be ranked with MLS
teams just becuase they play most of their games in
another league?

> I rank the top 25 
teams of _our_ circuit/"league", so if Canadian

> teams start playing the circuit, and thus can

> be compared with American teams, then I will

> start ranking them.

How imperialist of
you. What if we defined the circuit narrowly as the
Northeast and the Mid-Atlantic. How often do Stanford and
Berkeley come over and kick some east coast ass? Is it
enough times to convince you that they are both good

There have been some significant
performances by Canadian teams on "the circuit", and I think
they were by and large ignored or dismissed in
polling. Check the records, there are schools that don't
have winning records against Canadian schools that
still make the top 25.

> I think Western
Ontario made strides last year 
> toward joining
our circuit, so if they start 
> beating lots
of Top 25 teams, then I will rank > them. But
just as I would not include American > teams in a
ranking of the Canadian circuit 
>(which is
_different_, not inferior or 
> superior), I won't
include Canadian teams 
> unless they "cross over"
into the American 
> circuit. 

And how
much do they have to cross over? Seems like you want
Canadian schools to waste a lot of money strengthening the
US circuit while ignoring their own before you'll
recognize them. When the Russians starting beating Canada
in 1972, Canada stood up and took notice. Hey, when
the US lost in '98, at least they went and trashed a
few hotel rooms. They didn't pretend it wasn't
happening - and they didn't say "hey, best of three" like
you are now.

If you don't include Canadian
teams unless they cross over, then why would Canadians
include American teams that don't go to Canada? I don't
think anyone has defined the poll to be reflective
solely of games played on US soil. Of course, American
teams haven't had much luck in Canada...Perhaps a
half-Canadian top 25 is justified...No one really has any idea
how Chicago and Maryland would do in Canadian
tournaments, though I suppose rather well...But would other
teams (American or Canadian) be better than them????

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