>Some comments from a representative of a team >with more #1 votes than Maryland, Harvard, Yale, >Princeton, Texas, and Virginia combined (ooooh, >that sounds good!): And yet Andy, your team is behind all of them in the poll. So keep a little perspective before someone on the circuit actually finds a woodshed. >Furthermore, last year Michigan A had Rory >Molinari, a superb player from Australia who >made some big contributions. Rory had also been in this country for several years, and his contribution was not vastly different than any other well-rounded experienced American grad student working toward a PhD in math. >Conversely, I will concede that I (at least) >would have no chance in a Canadian culture war. >Jokes aside, Canada is nothing like the US. I >know zero Canadian literature other than L.M. >Montgomery and the Avonlea series, and only >Canadian political events in my lifetime are in >my memory. I couldn't name any Provincial >governors or Parliament members who were not >Prime Ministers. And I certainly don't know my >Junior Hockey teams or CFL Grey Cup history as >well as someone who was absorbed in the Hey, give some of us at Michigan some credit. We may not be experts, but we do like to think we know a thing or two about our neighbor to the South. (Trust me on this). My point is this: The poll is unscientific, just like any poll. There are steps that can be taken to make it more accurate a sample, but it is still just people putting their opinion on paper. There are no specific criteria (some people count trash, some do not, some people count invitation performance, some do not), there is no worry that anyone will hunt down who ranked whom where. Now, I am not suggesting that there is anything wrong with the poll. I just think a couple of deep breaths might be in order. After all, it's only a game, and this is only a poll. __________________________________________________ Craig Daniel Barker U.S. History/Secondary Ed Major <cdbarker_at_...> University of Michigan-Ann Arbor "The O'Malley credo: Our spite for those who oppose us shall over come our lack of intelligence." - --Mike O'Malley - "Out of Their League" - The Mike O'Malley Show Visit The Barker Home Office at: <a href=http://www.umich.edu/~cdbarker/ target=new>http://www.umich.edu/~cdbarker/</a> __________________________________________________
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