I have to say that this weekend's tournament was
one of the more pleasant ones I've attended. Not only
was it on time, with administrative problems
virtually non-existent (lots of credit to Alexis), but the
questions were mostly just fine.
The packets we played
on came very close to the distribution/difficulty
level I envision as being the pinnacle of QB. Plenty of
academia, some of it a bit obscure, to please the hardcore
ACFers out there; plus trash and buzzer-races to please
mediocre and non-academic players such as myself.
only complaint would be the variable difficulties in
boni. Many times my team would take the bonus instead
of laming it because we could get 5 or 10 points on
the first part. Too many of our games were determined
by the ability (or more accurately, the lack of
ability) to get convert bonus points on the last question
of the match.
Hmmm... maybe I didn't like the
questions that much after all. Well, I know I liked the
tossups. And I always like the added touch of power