Thank you, local_nutcase, for your post, which allows bitchass and myself to start a whole new round of idiot Yankee bashing. >You said cursing at practise is hardly >justifiable, maybe this is true if you >are living in Nazi Germany but in >the US the only justification you need >is the first amendment. Well, geez, in this socialist worker's paradise we have up here in Canada we actually believe in such concepts as civility and mutual respect, and listen to other people's requests to exercise a little self-control. We also understand that the right to free speech does not automatically entail the right to force others to listen to you, and that civilized societies have always imposed limits to free speech, requiring public statements to meet minimal standards of truth and decency. "Your freedom to swing your arms ends where my nose begins." >And this offensive thing. I find what >you(whoever posted it) posted to be very >offensive, a slap in the face of our >country. NO, I will not attempt to give >an excuse for cursing because cursing in >a free format(Internet) needs no excuse. However, incoherent, irrational, and unnecessarily offensive speech does require an explanation. The purpose of the 1st Amendment, to which you cling so dearly, was not to protect the right to use needless profanity. Even a poor, ignorant foreigner such as myself could figure out this basic concept. I don't consider asking people to stop swearing to be a slap in anybody's face, unless that's how you ask them to stop swearing. (SLAP! Keep your commode mouth to yourself!) >Yes freedom has a tendency to offend >people, some people just dont want to >welcome expression. Free speech exists to allow people to express unwelcome or offensive IDEAS. I hardly think that swearing constitutes an idea. Free speech is not an absolute right -- it is perfectly acceptable to insist on a minimum code of civility and conduct. If I so desire, I may use the chatroom's word filter, or use the killfile to remove all comments from one local_nutcase. However, these are barriers to communication. I would much rather that all users of the chatroom agree to act in a responsible manner, so that intelligent conversation will overpower potty mouth. This will allow me to impose as few limits as possible on my right to communicate in an intelligent manner.
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