Andy asks "We don't ever badmouth Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, or Buddhism; why does it make sense to do it to Islam, Judaism, and Christianity?" Whenever the day comes that I come across some Buddhists who insist on calling me bigoted because I don't think I should have to observe the rules of their version of Buddhism and would fight them in every way possible if they tried to force me to, I will tell them exactly the same thing as I told you, Andy. Namely that I am under no obligation to care about their beliefs. That hasn't happened to me yet, but I suppose some day it could. Because of the religious beliefs of the majority of Americans, I get such vibes mainly from practioners of Christianity. Some of us are tired of Christians of various stripes in the USA demanding that we live by the dictates of their religion, the way you did in a PM that caused me to refer to your beliefs as "superstitions". I have yet to come across any Zoroastrians that do the same (possibly because I have yet to encounter any at all.) As for the QB content... this imagined conspiracy on the part of QB players is just ludicrous. The BYU incident is just CBI being its usual bureaucratic self, as with the '99 NCT Williams forfeits, the "bathroom incident" of '96 NCT, and a whole host of other stuff. As for why tournaments are on Sunday...well, we can't exactly have them during class time, can we? Some people who practice the Jewish faith are prevented from playing on Saturday. Friday is a holy day for some Muslims. It is simply impossible to accomodate everyone under such circumstances.
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