The Great God Edmund wrote:
"One of the great
things about religious argument is that it's impossible
to do logically. Faith, including lack of faith, is
by its very nature contradictory to logic and
therefore cannot be argued didactically."
I suppose
I should take a different tack on this, speaking as
a person of faith.
Some people tie
themselves to concepts of the rational and the irrational,
while linking it to the bogus and oppressive dualistic
hierarchy of pure good and pure evil. I don't.
some ways, matters of faith are outside the realm of
logic, not contradictory to it. I have faith in a God. I
am also aware of the tenuous, precarious nature of
my faith. It is rational to believe in God. It is
rational to disbelieve. The proof is inconclusive. Aware
that it is rational to disbelieve, I find no fault
with those who do so. They could be right, after all.
I won't be too arrogant about what truth I feel I
might possess.
Well, enough for now. I don't
want to get too hot and heavy on religion right now.