"This means that when we reject God's claims to tell us how to behave, sexually and otherwise, we are in rebellion against God. When we say that nobody can know whether God exists, since it is a matter of "faith," we are in rebellion against God. When we claim that the beliefs of other religions are just as good as those of Christianity, we are in rebellion against God." "So right now it looks like of the QB community, Andy Goss and Matt Colvin are the only definite candidates for Heaven" Matt and Andy would be the only camdidates for Heaven except for one thing...John 3:16-- ""For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT SHALL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE". In other words, those that believe that Jesus died for their sins are saved. They don't have to be perfect to get into Heaven. We all, at some point, act against what God tells us to do. We can even be accused of, as Matt puts it, "reject[ing] God's claims to tell us how to behave". But as long as we truly believe, we are saved. I think I got up to four cents this time! It just bugs me when people misunderstand the basic tenants of my religion. *Jessie*
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