Edmund wrote:
"Artist: Anouilh. People
write about every OTHER Napoleonic French
I've been trying to figure this out at various times
all day: who is Anouilh the painter? I know of Jean
Anouilh, the 20th century dramatist of "Antigone" and many
other works I don't know.
But I have never heard
of a Napoleonic painter named Anouilh. From what I
remember about Neoclassicism in the class I took on the
period, there was David, Ingres, Gros, and Girodet (whose
first name is Anne-Louis, if that means anything) in
painting and Houdon, Canova, and Thorvaldsen in sculpture.
Those were the relatively famous ones,
Edmund, if Anouilh is a distinct painter, please let us
know something about him and where we can see some of
his work.