"In the interests of accuracy, GW also qualified
for PB playoffs in 1998. This becomes relevant
because, in GW's octofinal loss, Maryland beat Tim Young
to Fenway Park."
Which reminds me of the time
before that Maryland A had faced GW at a tournament and
gotten upset - NAQT CCT in 1997 at JHU, in which Jeff
Boulier, Kate Petrucelli, and myself beat
Goodman/Hamilton/Keller/Singer. That was the biggest upset of the '97-98 season I
could recall.
The question Hayden referred to
was about the Green Monster (for those who don't
know, Fenway Park's infamous LF wall), not Fenway Park
generally. This is some sort of karmic payback for GW's
defeat of Maryland B at the same tournament beating Adam
Fine to the answer "Washington Capitals" on the
second-to-last question.