ILLINOIS WINS DEEP BENCH Results from the 1999 Rob Pilatus Memorial (Century of Death) Deep Bench tournament at the University of Minnesota: 1. Illinois 200 points 2. Iowa 163 3. Carleton 146 4. Michigan 131 5. Chicago 125 6. Minnesota 106 7. Wisconsin 94 8. Iowa State 55 9. Confederation of Independent Scholars 36 Division winners #1 singles Illinois 7-1 (tie-breaker with Wisconsin and Chicago) #2 singles Illinois 8-0 #1 doubles Carleton 8-0 #2 doubles Michigan 7-1 (won on head to head with Iowa, also 7-1) #3 doubles Illinois 7-1 #1 quads Carleton 6-2 (won on head to head with Chicago, also 6-2) #2 quads Illinois 8-0 ST LOUIS OPEN INVITATION (Courtesy Roger Bhan) There's still time to register for this year's ST. LOUIS OPEN to be held on November 20, 1999 on the campus of Washington University. This will be a modified ACF-style tournament with question-difficulty falling somewhere between ACF Regionals and ACF Nationals (mostly closer to Regionals). No packet submission is required as I have written all the questions. Masters, bastard, and all collegiate teams are welcome to participate in this tournament. I am willing to play match-maker for this tourney, so let me know if you'd like to play and you need a team. There is currently a cap at 16 teams for the St. Louis Open, so remember to get your registration in quickly! (I may expand the field if there is sufficient interest.) The top overall team and the top two collegiate teams will be recognized, as well as a yet undetermined number of all-stars. For more info, contact Roger at <rsbhan_at_...>. WUSTL GATEWAY INVITATION (Courtesy Jason Paik) The Washington University Academic Team is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the SIXTH ANNUAL GATEWAY INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT: The Kool-Aid Man Cometh on December 4, 1999 C.E. on the lovely campus of Washington University in St. Louis. The GIT will be a timed NAQT-style tournament with questions purchased from NAQT, LLC. Rounds will consist of two 9-minute halves. There is currently a cap at 24 teams for the GIT. We are aiming to have two 12-team brackets with play-offs following. Additional information is now posted on the website, and is found at For more information, contact Jason at <jcpaik_at_...> or Roger Bhan at <rsbhan_at_...>. NAQT CHANGES DIVISION II ELIGIBILITY (Courtesy R. Robert Hentzel) National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC has decided to alter its definition of Division II eligibility. Under the new policy, students qualify to play in Division II if they meet the following requirements: 1. They do not possess degrees from any post-secondary educational institution, 2. They have competed in four or fewer distinct years of intercollegiate competition (not counting College Bowl RCTs and NCTs), 3. They have never played on a Sectionals team that qualified for the Intercollegiate Championship Tournament nor played at the Intercollegiate Championship Tournament at either the Division II or Division I levels. In short, the policy is that a student may continue to play Division II until he or she is on a team that qualifies for the ICT or four years pass, whichever comes first. For more information, visit
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