Since, I am the one that has set all this off, I feel compelled to remark on this entire situation. First of all I was in the the chat room when the allegations were being made, and at the time I felt that it might not have been my place to reprimand the group, but after hearing some reactions I know that I should have something then. I know that we talk about people in the chat room at times, and I wouldn't repeat them to the people we are talking about. We all talk about each other at times, things that we would never really say to their face even if it is true, but the things said on Sat went beyond that. Comments like, "Maryland shouldn't be fielding their A team", "The Maryland Mafia taking care of itself", and "It took two teams to beat Chicago" have no place being said at all, but if they must be said it shouldn't be in a public area like a chat room, especially by people that weren't at the tournament in question. It's one thing to have a dislike for a team or a person for whatever reason, but it is another thing to ruin a reputation and cast doubt on their morals. And what makes it worse is that people who have never met anyone from MD, now have the idea that we are cheaters. Maryland isn't the only team that has entered their best team in a tournament that they have hosted, so it is unfair to say that we shouldn't have done so. Also as one person pointed out in the chat room (the only fair comment I saw) MD did have a very competent staff to help run the tournament. In fact we had at least one player comment on how well run the tournament was, and I'm sure there were others that agreed. Also, our freshmen were given ample opportunity to play in the tournament not only on our B team but on the A team as well, so that accusation also had no merit. Also, the idea that, we rigged the MD A-Chicago game by having them play on the Michigan is insulting, not only to the Tournament Directors but to Michigan as well. First of all, it was one of the highest quality packet submitted to the tournament, and thus one of the best for these teams to play on, where the ability and knowledge of the players will be rewarded. Which is much more satisifing then winning from buzzer races and hose questions. Also on a side note, that packet was written by a player who was more likely to favor Andrew Yaphe than Dave Hamiltion. I'm just sick a tired of the way Maryland is percieved by most people. I'll grant you that a times, people from the MAQT act like bastards sometimes (myself included) but how many of you haven't been the same way yourselves? These people have been my teammates and my friends for six years now. We have remained so even though some of have graduated and moved on to other schools and some have stayed around after graduation. I don't know how many of you you can say that about the people you have played with. I can understand the temptaion of disliking someone because they are better than you, or because they are not as good as you, I have done it myself, but you've got to let it go. If I hadn't, I would have never found out that that I Alice and I are both from the same state originally or that Alexis and I spend our Winter Breaks in the same place and now we can hang out with each other, imagine what you may be missing. Well I'm not sure if what I've said will make any difference with how MAQT is percieved, or if what I have said will be considered since I am a former MAQT player, but I feel that it should be said. Michelle Cantave By the way, I believe this is the first time that MD has ever won the Terripan in all the years that it has been held, and we have at times fielded our best team possible, so thank you for ruining that small accoplishment for the team.
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