I can understand that players at UMCP would be very angry about the accusations. Over the past couple of years I have heard people call MAQT arrogant or aloft, but I have never heard anything about them being anything but completely honest. Even very recently I heard some fairly inactive teams at tournaments complaining that they though MAQT players were, um.... very arrogant. I have to disagree. Over the last year I have also found that players from Maryland can in fact be really great people. I played on a team with three ex-Maryland players at TRASHionals last year and found them to be really nice and friendly. All of the rumors I had heard about Maryland players were not true. I am really glad I got to know them! In fact, I turn to at least one ex-Maryland player for advice on a fairly regular basis. Though, I have to admit, perhaps because the club is so close, it can be hard to get to know the players. But I have heard the same thing about Georgetown over the past couple of years. I was not at Terrapin, so I cannot comment on the accusations, but I can say that from what I have read there seems to be no wrong doing on UMCP's part. I would urge people that if they have any problems with a school, they approach that school before talking about them publicly. On that note, I have to take major issue with what Josh wrote. I understand he is upset about the accusations, but please do not attack other schools who were not involved, and absolutely do not attack schools before you write them personally first! Isn't that exactly what you were complaining about? No, Georgetown did not attend Terrapin. We wrote both you and Jon apologizing that we could not make it! Our team can barely field a team right now, and we only have six or seven players who even attend practice once a week. Additionally, we have very few players willing to play at ACF tournaments. Maybe they shouldn't feel that way, but they do, and we have no way of changing it. I was out of town until Saturday at 8 PM, and two of our players were taking the foreign service exam all day Saturday. We had one player, a freshman, who wanted to go. We offered to help him get funding. In the end, we could not get him full funding and he decided that playing as a freshman solo at his first tournament might be too disheartening. Also, a former Maryland player told me at the beginning of this year that he had decided to only attend one tournament a weekend. Frankly, our specialty is trash, and if we could only go to one, that would be it. But that was not our reason for not attending. Finally, a school does not need an excuse for not attending a tournament, though in this case we do have one. I wish that people would not attack MAQT. The team is by and large really nice and I admire their dedication and honesty. I also have heard that Josh did a great job running Terrapin. He too is a really nice guy. But please, do not damage your reputation by attacking other schools.
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