Well, to weigh in my always-welcome opinion ...
face it, no matter what someone wears, someone else is
going to find it sexually attractive. As a straight man
(albeit with his own not-necessarily-societal-norm
criteria), I've known plenty of women who strike me as
good-looking while wearing sweatshirts and jeans. Based on
comments from some of the straight women I know, I'd
decidedly disagree with Tom's statement that they don't
ogle guys in tuxes!
Anyway, as for dress at
tournaments, we should go with the minimum rules that will
insure "decency". I'd suggest the fast-food joint
criterion: no shirt, no shoes (and no pants!), no service.
Anything else goes. Of course, a team's and an
individual's decision of what to wear will depend on their own
preferences and the perception they're trying to create.
-- Doug