"Thanks for the congrats, Rick T. I suspect they
have capped the field some -- they likely have closed
most (if not all) of the phone lines at this
Well,some of the phone lines are still running strong. I
qualified twice this afternoon, although there were a
couple of busy signals. I realize my chances are almost
nil, but what the hey, the club has already had two
folks in the mix!
I won't mention anything about
the NAQT questions, but I will say again (like I did
at Yale), that those folks ran a heck of a
tournament, and I thoroughly enjoyed my first time back in
competition in four years.
To respond to an earlier
message, Rutgers hasn't had a team in quite some time.
Some folks went to one tournament last year, but we
will come to a few more next semester, funding
permitting. Our DII captain, Dave, is really strong, and we
have a couple of other good guys, too. I'm planning to
finish my thesis next semester, so I won't be travelling
much to tournaments, although I'll be reading at Penn
Incidentally, while Salon's article on WWTBAM is good, the one
on Greed is hilarious.