Well, I couldn't help it here. Apologies WAAY in advance to those of the ACF persuasion ... Bonus points to whoever knows which song is being parodied. "The man who never buzzed in" (solo cello) <<SPOKEN: These are the tournaments that try men's sould. In the course of quizbowl's history, the people of the circuit have rallied bravely whenever the questions have gotten too hard. Today, a new crisis has arisen. The Academic Competitions Federation, better known as the ACF, is attempting to levy a burdensome tax on tournament attenders in the form of harder questions. Citizens, hear me out. This could happen to you!!>> Well, let me tell you of the story of a man named Charlie Who was playing for Mason III He put ten bucks in his pocket, told his roommate goodbye Went to play on some ACF Well, did he get a tossup, no he got no tossups On answers still unheard (what a pity) He may sit forever wondering 'bout the answer He's the man who didn't buzz in Charlie thought he knew the answer to some science question And he buzzed in with what he thought But he was wrong, the moderator told him "incorrect" Charlie didn't get the question right. Well, did he get a tossup, no he got no tossups On answers still unheard (poor old Charlie) He may sit forever wondering 'bout the answer He's the man who didn't buzz in Now all day long Charlie sat in the classroom Crying "I've not heard of these!" "How can I buzz in on Hindu mythology" "Or love poems Sumerian?" Well, did he get a tossup, no he got no tossups On answers still unheard (shame and scandal) He may sit forever wondering 'bout the answer He's the man who didn't buzz in The other team is equally clueless, and don't buzz in After three seconds have passed And the look of amazement falls on everyone's eyes As the moderator calls time Well, did he get a tossup, no he got no tossups On answers still unheard (he may never get one) He may sit forever wondering 'bout the answer He's the man who didn't buzz in (pick it, Davey) <brief banjo interlude> SPOKEN <oh, that hurts my fingers> Now you denizens of quizbowl dontcha think it's a scandal How the people have to sit and sit Fight harder questions, vote for George O'Brien!! Get poor Charlie off of ACF!! Or else he'll get no tossups, no he'll get no tossups And his fate is still unlearned (just like always) He may sit forever wondering 'bout the answer He's the man who didn't buzz in He's the man who didn't buzz in He's the man who didn't buzz in
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