Accidental Goat Sodomy? They're huge in the
Netherlands, I hear.
I'm not sure if this counts as a
funny moment, but in 1997 at Emory Junior Bird, I was
fighting off a horrible case of food poisoning from the
Varsity (I know, I'm as shocked as you are). After waking
up and ralphing three times, I was ok until about
Round 11, when finally... a math bonus! I'm working
feverishly, getting close to the answer when the food
poisoning won again. I hurled mid-answer and then excused
myself from the room and passed out on a
That's not the funny part. Well, kinda. The funny part
is when the two Duke teams came together after that
round, and I heard the following
Player from Duke B: "Dude! We just beat Maryland
Player from Duke A: "Cool! Dude! Paul just threw up in
the middle of answering a bonus!"
Entire Duke B
team: "Cool!"
Apparently, at a recent reunion of
those players, this was the first thing mentioned. Oh