Samer sez:
"The only time I ever had to
actually hand over reading to someone else was,
thankfully, in practice. The answer to the tossup was
"Blaxploitation"--the first time I had ever heard that term. For
reasons I still don't understand, I started laughing
hysterically, and couldn't stop."
I have seen a
moderator have to hand over a the packet and leave the room
due to laughter. I forget her name, but it was at the
first NAQT Sectionals held at Michigan. Now, this room
already had graffitti on the blackboard labelled, IIRC,
"Killer Sperm."
This also happened to be the
packet, IIRC, with the tossup on "bacteriaphage" which in
most rooms, including ours, probably resulted in a neg
with "sperm(atozoa)."
I don't know if it was
that question or sometime after, but whoever the
moderator was just started to crack up. Luckily, she had a
partner who was able to finish the round.
who, despite writing the kinky sex bonus at
Trashmasters, did not neg with "spermatozoa" for his team.