The Triad address/contact might be useful. I know
of some other companies that do this kind of stuff
(Patrick's Press e.g.).
Ideally there would be
something in the public domain (and on the web) which would
help writers of HS Questions keep them reasonable.
(There isn't enough money sloshing through the game yet
for most college teams to be able to justify buying
the HS lists).
(If anyone has electronic files
but difficulty posting them, contact me offline and I
can post them).
Eric Hilleman's Carleton lists
(of which only the top 50 cites are free) are an
example of the collegiate quizbowl
<a href= target=new></a>
Date:12/09/1999 02:57 pm EST
There used to be a group in
Illinois called Triad Questions who published such lists
in the humanities; if you like I can contact the
erstwhile-director, he may still have copies.