First of all, let me say that I was recommended to this site by one Adam Newman, who is a sophomore at UIUC, so you can blame him at least in part for what follows. In any case, I am the team captain of one of the Illinois high school teams of which Mr Riley speaks, and I feel like I should contribute my two cents to this topic-- everybody else is, and it's probably a good idea for the party in question to say something about it. First, in regards to the relative competitiveness of high school quiz bowl: Based on what I've seen in competition, a lot of teams are, in fact, like the "typical" high school team referred to in the message that started this whole argument. However, to apply this to all high school teams, as Mr. Riley said, doesn't work very well. I know that HS teams seem pretty awful compared to the college circuit, but we do know more than you think we do-- most of the competitive teams I've seen consistently get questions non-Picasso art and non-Beethoven music (and for that matter, who said that the literature had to be in English? I personally have been getting way more Russian lit questions lately than is healthy). Granted, the part about trash is probably true, but I think credit is deserved where it is due. As for Illinois teams competing on a national level... well, it could get interesting, anyway. Thanks to that Illinois regulation which is currently in the process of being tightened, in addition to budget/patience constraints on the part of the team, my team has never played a nationally prominent team outside of Illinois. Undoubtedly, we would be crushed by a team from South Carolina or Maryland, but I tend to think that the other teams at the top of state standings would fare very well against national competition (For example, in a recent national computer tournament, the state's top team placed among the top 5, showing that it can play with the powerhouses). As it stands now, the only chance we get to play teams outside of Illinois is at college tournaments such as the Wildcat Invitational, and since Illinois is probably the strongest quiz bowl state in the Midwest, we end up playing the same teams we usually play, plus a token team from Indiana or Wisconsin, or maybe as far away as Nebraska if we're lucky. I tend to agree that such an inter-state competition would be beneficial; however, if our state association continues on its present path, it won't happen anytime soon, which is a pity. Do I claim to know what I'm talking about? No. All I can say is that based on my personal experience in Illinois quiz bowl, there are teams from Illinois that are probably on par with any other program in the country. I'm not sure I can claim mine as one of them, but at least we might be able to put points on the board. -Brad Houston P.S. I should also note that the "Say you have $50" question is absolutely a real question from the geniuses that write questions in Illinois. It's questions like that which make me appreciate college tournaments.
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