Mmm... bonus stealing. Can't say I've ever heard
of it referred to in that way, though... here in
Illinois, almost every tournament allows for the other team
to answer parts of a bonus that the team that gets
the toss-up misses. This is both a blessing and a
curse-- I can think of at least one match where my team
only got 4 toss-ups, but won anyway because the other
team didn't know the boni, and I can think of many,
many more where we got hot on the buzzer near the end
but couldn't collect on those boni, which sent us to
a fiery demise. A double-edged sword, to be sure.
But, I think, a useful addition to any quiz bowl
competition. I don't see why college tourneys don't use it--
it allows for higher scores and gives a team that's
slow on the buzzers a chance-- however infintesmal--
to win.