The Iowa State University Academic Quiz Club is pleased to announce
the Iowa State Fall Tournament which will be held Saturday, October
12th. The tournament will be of the round-robin plus playoffs
There will be two brackets for Divisions one and two. Any player in
their first or second year of collegiate play will be eligible for
Division 2. The total number of teams will be capped at 24 which,
ideally, would be spread fairly evenly between D1 and D2.
Questions are being written in-house and no packet submission will
be required. The questions will be modified ACF with some trash/pop
culture. Rounds will be untimed and consist of twenty tossups and
accompanying bonuses.
The Fee structure is as follows:
Base Fee $100
Buzzer System -$10
Experience Moderater -$25
Second Team (in either divison) -$10
Minimum Fee $50
Registrations will now be accepted. Please contact Michael Falk at
mjf27_at_... (mjf27 at iastate dot edu)
Any concerns or questions about the format or questions themselves
can be addressed to Matt Cvijanovich at bigc_at_... (bigc at
iastate dot edu)
Matt Cvijanovich