This is the official announcement for the 2002 ACF Fall Tournaments,
to be held at various sites across the country on the weekend of
November 2, with myself serving as national editor. As with last
year's tournaments, the purpose of these events is to provide an
introduction to ACF-style tournaments for incoming players at an
appropriate introductory difficulty level, with prizes to be awarded
to the top "new" teams and players (i.e. players in their
first two years of collegiate competition) in addition to the usual
recognition for the top overall teams and players. A few details
concerning hosts are still being worked out, but I expect to have a
list of hosts available sometime in the next week. Specific details
concerning packet deadlines and fees will be found in the
announcements for each specific host site. Details concerning packet
requirements (distribution, difficulty, formatting, etc.) will be
posted shortly. As always, if you have any questions, please feel
free to contact me at ksmcke0_at_....
Kelly McKenzie