Some clarifications: <<In the interest of fairness, I note that one of #quizbowl's ops has decided to establish his own QB irc channel on another network; a link to this room is provided on the front page of this club. Please be aware that the people responsible for running that room are many of the same people lately responsible for running #packets.>> This is not quite true; while the problems with the Hybnet chat include the fact that it belongs to a private individual entirely, the Slashnet channel is inteded as a public resource for the quizbowl community. Only one op is in common between Slashnet #quizbowl and Hybnet #packets. A charter designed to ensure the goal of a non-exclusionary, non-censoring chat has been adopted. Slashnet #quizbowl is currently seeking a completely neutral and trustworthy party to hold the founder password for Slashnet #quizbowl, as well as several additional operators. Anyone interested in these positions should mail me for the moment, although the contact may change. Also, as a factual note, while I am part of the group that set up Slashnet chat, it was not solely my creation, or even my own initiative to begin with. I don't believe most of the message board is interested in the full story here, but anyone can e-mail me if (s)he wishes to know why Slashnet #quizbowl was started. << Discussion is underway to resolve this split before the departees start crossing themselves backwards and muttering in Slavonic. Please be aware that while participation in the alternate channel will not disturb participation in, and may be carried along simultaneously with, participation in the original channel, we cannot guarantee that the converse will be true.>> I will guarantee the above. Anyone who has technical issues with connecting to two servers at once may seek out myself or any other Slashnet #quizbowl op for assistance. Slashnet #quizbowl is completely open to all who wish to participate, including those who participate in the Hybnet chat. Packets on Slashnet will be read in #quizbowl rather than #packets, so no one seeking packets need worry about exclusion from the latter room (which remains a private channel outside the auspices of #quizbowl, as it was on Hybnet). --M.W. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes
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