Apologies if this winds up double-posted; I tried once before
but it appears Yahoo! ate my homework.
UTC is hosting its 5th annual Trevor's Trivia: Bob Selcer Memorial
High School Quizbowl on Sat., Oct. 12, 2002. If you're interested but
didn't get an announcement already, e-mail me at
steinhic_at_... for details.
We're seeking help from freelance questions writers. You can either
write a full round, or you can provide a whole bunch of
high-school-level questions in one or more general subject areas
(i.e., lit, chemistry, geography, myth, current events...) Those who
send me enough original stuff by Oct. 1 will receive a full set of the
questions, either from this tournament or any of UTC's previous
collegiate or trash tournaments. Again, e-mail me at
steinhic_at_... for details.