If there is sufficient interest I was wondering if we could hold the
first ever A.T.Q.B.T. (All Transgendered QuizBowl Tournament) on
February 31st 2003. The format is undecided as to whether it will be
trash, NAQT-ish or mACF, but the questions should all be ambiguous
and confusing...just like the competitors. It doesn't matter what
chromosomes you have, just which ones you would like to. The
tournament will be held somewhere on the dark side of the Moon and
the fee structure is as follows:
Base- $100 payable only in $3 bills or in orphans
Buzzer discount- -$10
Moderator discount- -$10
Travel discount- -$1,000 if traveling over 4 million miles as
determined by mapquest
Hope to see all of you the 31st!