Hi. The University of OKlahoma will be hosting a TRASH Regionals
competition on Nov. 9, on campus. Pricing will follow TRASH
guidelines, but we are currently trying to figure out a way to make
this a marathon TRASH event. A Name That Tune round is an obvious
possibility, but we are toying with the idea of having a theme round
tourney after the Regional, played in a similar manner to NTN
Spotlite, where you bet points on the subject matter and how you
think you'll do. We'd start early, and go late, with the theme round
tourney occuring after Regionals and a short dinner break. It would
be free, just added delectibility for the Regional. If you're
planning on attending and would be willing to do something like
this, let me know. Clarifications to follow when possible.
David Murphy (blasmo_at_...)
PS: Route 66 (Oct. 12)is rapidly filling up with (4?)new teams and
returning teams. Contact me for more info on that, too. We also have
a high school tourney on Nov. 2 that we would love to have help
with -- re: free lunch and a "return the gift" situation -- once we
figure out where the heck it's going to be at...