Simon Fraser University will be hosting the PNW's second ever TRASH
regional tournament on November 9, 2002 at our main mountaintop
campus in Burnaby, BC (20 minutes from downtown Vancouver).
As everyone in the region outside of SFU are TRASH virgins, the fee
schedule is rather simple. Give us $20.*
If you're aren't a virgin (ie, you're outside of the region and are
interested in a weekend in beautiful British Columbia to play some
quality TRASH), then, well, we'd love to have you, and we'll take
$75 for the first team
$60 for the second team
$50 for the third team
Yes, you get a $10 discount for being 160+km away (according to my
wallmap), and a $10 discount for each moderator or buzzer you bring.
We want buzzers. Bring them.
So if you're interested, and really, who wouldnt be, then email me,
the PNW TRASH TD at sawebb at sfu dot ca.
Share and enjoy
Shaun Webb
SFU Quiz Bowl
* Yes. US Dollars. Sorry Canadian teams. Take out a loan or