Greetings from Berkeley Quiz-Bowl.
I, Eok Ngo, the 2002 Fall President of Berkeley QB cordially invite
all those receiving this message to attend Bear Cub Classic 3.
If you know of other schools or coaches who would find this of
interest please feel free to pass in along.
I will be co-directing this tournament along with Devang Parekh.
October 26th, 2002
Please arrive for registration at 9 AM or earlier.
Play begins at 9:30 AM
UC Berkeley, Barrows Hall.
Untimed 20 tossups per packet with bonuses.
A minimum of 7 rounds of play will be guaranteed to every team
attending with the possibility of more rounds.
Questions will be from all subjects with an emphasis on the high
school curriculum.
Base Fee per team: $100
Minimum entry fee per team is $50
Discounts (or penalty):
- Team registered before Oct 7th: -$30
- Team registered before Oct 14th: -$20
- Team registered before Oct 21st: -$10
- Team registering on day of tournament (Oct 26th): +$10
- Buzzers: -$10
- Moderator/Staff: -$5
- First additional team from same school: -$10
- Second additional team from same school: -$20
- Third additional team from same school: -$30
Sincerely from the TDs,
Eok Ngo
Devang Parekh