What's up with the lack of college quiz bowl tournaments in major
metropolitan cities? Off the top of my head, I can't name a single
one in NYC, Los Angeles, or Washington D.C., and the only one in
Chicago this year that comes to mind is Deep Bench. Yet Boston
(unsurprisingly perhaps) has oodles and even Chattanooga and South
Florida have their fair share. Do colleges in places like Seattle,
Atlanta, and Denver simply not have very active college bowl programs?
Goodness knows I wouldn't mind a trip to any one of those places.
--Stephen Aslett
P.S. Of course, I suppose some may say I'm being hypocritical since
our club is in Houston and hasn't yet hosted a college tournament. In
our defense, I can say that we're still trying to establish ourselves
seriously (fundraising, building a core membership, and whatnot) and
such a thing probably isn't too far off in the future.